all postcodes in L12 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L12 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L12 8QA 0 53.429066 -2.90517
L12 8QB 0 53.429217 -2.905414
L12 8QD 0 53.427706 -2.903049
L12 8QF 0 53.427885 -2.903218
L12 8QG 0 53.428808 -2.904728
L12 8QH 0 53.428454 -2.904088
L12 8QJ 1 53.428686 -2.904198
L12 8QL 0 53.425577 -2.90174
L12 8QN 0 53.428081 -2.903478
L12 8QP 1 53.427333 -2.902454
L12 8QQ 0 53.428941 -2.905017
L12 8QR 0 53.427529 -2.902789
L12 8QS 1 53.427173 -2.902285
L12 8QT 1 53.427143 -2.901487
L12 8QU 0 53.425934 -2.900829
L12 8QW 0 53.428331 -2.903634
L12 8QX 0 53.425129 -2.900316
L12 8QY 0 53.426739 -2.901388
L12 8QZ 0 53.426589 -2.900994
L12 8RA 0 53.425546 -2.898684