all postcodes in L22 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L22 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L22 5NA 34 2 53.473729 -3.025492
L22 5NB 4 4 53.473163 -3.025508
L22 5ND 7 0 53.473038 -3.02436
L22 5NG 15 8 53.475894 -3.0286
L22 5NL 54 1 53.47383 -3.025055
L22 5NN 25 1 53.47581 -3.029203
L22 5NP 8 0 53.476238 -3.02965
L22 5NR 3 1 53.47633 -3.030406
L22 5NS 29 0 53.475059 -3.02852
L22 5NT 34 0 53.474597 -3.028104
L22 5NU 3 0 53.474288 -3.028488
L22 5NW 42 0 53.47554 -3.029227
L22 5NY 6 2 53.473582 -3.027974
L22 5NZ 18 0 53.472838 -3.02773
L22 5PA 8 1 53.472921 -3.026466
L22 5PB 21 1 53.472485 -3.025914
L22 5PD 19 0 53.472095 -3.026416
L22 5PE 22 13 53.474256 -3.027792
L22 5PL 64 4 53.474985 -3.029844
L22 5PQ 61 28 53.473807 -3.027934