all postcodes in L34 / PRESCOT

find any address or company within the L34 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L34 5QA 18 12 53.429067 -2.804572
L34 5QE 14 4 53.428724 -2.804807
L34 5QH 20 14 53.429627 -2.802777
L34 5QJ 11 9 53.429227 -2.803462
L34 5QL 10 7 53.429569 -2.802053
L34 5QN 30 5 53.429732 -2.803275
L34 5QP 9 7 53.429692 -2.803756
L34 5QR 5 5 53.430096 -2.802605
L34 5QQ 2 2 53.428409 -2.801865
L34 5QU 14 0 53.429267 -2.80289
L34 5QX 29 12 53.430127 -2.800332
L34 5QY 12 5 53.429394 -2.798709
L34 5RB 7 3 53.429972 -2.800992
L34 5RD 8 0 53.427668 -2.798646
L34 5RE 1 1 53.429229 -2.799097
L34 5RF 6 2 53.427681 -2.798135
L34 5RG 8 0 53.427248 -2.796938
L34 5RJ 19 0 53.427947 -2.797327
L34 5RL 16 2 53.428546 -2.799099
L34 5RN 25 0 53.427574 -2.796583