all postcodes in L34 / PRESCOT

find any address or company within the L34 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L34 4AD 5 0 53.430743 -2.823719
L34 4AE 23 0 53.444354 -2.836313
L34 4AF 4 0 53.438089 -2.83759
L34 4AG 1 1 53.438035 -2.837679
L34 4AH 9 0 53.428414 -2.840665
L34 4AJ 7 0 53.42904 -2.841009
L34 4AN 2 2 53.436278 -2.814869
L34 4AP 6 0 53.429509 -2.840883
L34 4AQ 15 2 53.448231 -2.842367
L34 4AR 9 53.448331 -2.843151
L34 4AT 12 53.448625 -2.843488
L34 4WA 0 53.428627 -2.801855
L34 5GA 28 14 53.428829 -2.803755
L34 5NQ 19 16 53.426798 -2.801023
L34 5PB 24 0 53.427844 -2.800531
L34 5PD 38 0 53.428013 -2.800895
L34 5PE 48 0 53.429223 -2.80009
L34 5PF 27 0 53.428361 -2.799923
L34 5PG 1 1 53.427919 -2.798786
L34 5PR 1 1 53.428627 -2.801855