all postcodes in L35 / PRESCOT

find any address or company within the L35 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L35 3RB 24 0 53.412938 -2.801048
L35 3RD 30 0 53.412766 -2.802519
L35 3RE 33 8 53.412521 -2.803823
L35 3RF 17 11 53.412382 -2.802121
L35 3RG 20 0 53.413124 -2.807761
L35 3RH 15 0 53.412332 -2.804196
L35 3RJ 2 0 53.40472 -2.797012
L35 3RL 7 0 53.410372 -2.789431
L35 3RN 26 0 53.413819 -2.807594
L35 3RP 15 0 53.410635 -2.78909
L35 3RQ 22 0 53.413468 -2.807678
L35 3RR 11 0 53.410112 -2.789351
L35 3RS 6 0 53.409281 -2.788599
L35 3RT 5 0 53.409491 -2.805662
L35 3RU 66 0 53.409132 -2.802872
L35 3RW 25 0 53.414242 -2.807602
L35 3RX 12 0 53.409815 -2.802583
L35 3RY 12 0 53.410066 -2.804364
L35 3RZ 31 2 53.410604 -2.803246
L35 3SA 34 0 53.405069 -2.805488