all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 0TA 16 0 53.403881 -2.834616
L36 0TB 17 0 53.403532 -2.829194
L36 0TD 16 0 53.404414 -2.827722
L36 0TE 14 0 53.403754 -2.828206
L36 0TF 21 0 53.40384 -2.827576
L36 0TG 37 1 53.402737 -2.827133
L36 0TH 36 0 53.402447 -2.827474
L36 0TJ 43 0 53.401295 -2.823435
L36 0TL 51 0 53.400609 -2.825453
L36 0TN 14 0 53.402997 -2.82589
L36 0TP 38 0 53.403829 -2.826478
L36 0TQ 28 0 53.401562 -2.824208
L36 0TR 28 0 53.403684 -2.825377
L36 0TS 24 0 53.403697 -2.82476
L36 0TT 26 0 53.403916 -2.824283
L36 0TU 25 1 53.402433 -2.824255
L36 0TW 26 0 53.402761 -2.826231
L36 0TX 24 0 53.401944 -2.823583
L36 0TY 32 0 53.404009 -2.823954
L36 0TZ 56 0 53.403361 -2.822678