all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 0UB 23 10 53.404553 -2.831049
L36 0UD 4 0 53.404777 -2.828482
L36 0UE 8 0 53.405845 -2.827389
L36 0UF 6 0 53.405182 -2.833649
L36 0UG 28 0 53.404436 -2.831919
L36 0UH 28 0 53.406545 -2.827644
L36 0UJ 45 0 53.40617 -2.828584
L36 0UL 23 0 53.405235 -2.828596
L36 0UN 23 0 53.40441 -2.833468
L36 0UP 23 0 53.404855 -2.829866
L36 0UQ 10 0 53.404683 -2.827878
L36 0UR 35 1 53.405097 -2.835543
L36 0US 11 0 53.406086 -2.834223
L36 0UT 13 0 53.407229 -2.832636
L36 0UU 23 1 53.404461 -2.835214
L36 0UW 23 0 53.403967 -2.832557
L36 0UX 8 4 53.406642 -2.831767
L36 0UY 28 2 53.405531 -2.838679
L36 0UZ 17 0 53.405393 -2.839354
L36 0XA 38 0 53.40706 -2.834979