all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 1UA 21 2 53.421306 -2.823461
L36 1UB 10 0 53.420731 -2.822141
L36 1UD 22 0 53.421008 -2.823666
L36 1UE 5 0 53.418715 -2.823802
L36 1UF 10 0 53.417235 -2.824646
L36 1UG 25 1 53.416276 -2.82553
L36 1UH 10 0 53.417638 -2.824865
L36 1UJ 16 0 53.416381 -2.826044
L36 1UL 7 0 53.418555 -2.824837
L36 1UN 22 0 53.419137 -2.825225
L36 1UP 21 1 53.418109 -2.825716
L36 1UQ 12 0 53.418324 -2.824472
L36 1UR 8 0 53.417616 -2.825436
L36 1US 8 0 53.418586 -2.825635
L36 1UT 10 0 53.418023 -2.825098
L36 1UU 48 0 53.416645 -2.824214
L36 1UW 13 0 53.418843 -2.824783
L36 1UX 16 0 53.415995 -2.824607
L36 1UY 27 0 53.41588 -2.824334
L36 1UZ 10 0 53.416856 -2.820953