all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 1XA 25 0 53.415442 -2.82401
L36 1XB 12 0 53.416238 -2.821979
L36 1XD 9 0 53.41669 -2.820302
L36 1XE 39 0 53.417998 -2.823487
L36 1XF 19 0 53.417813 -2.821678
L36 1XG 9 0 53.417563 -2.824036
L36 1XH 16 2 53.415366 -2.823241
L36 1XJ 20 0 53.415929 -2.821176
L36 1XL 13 0 53.416142 -2.820232
L36 1XN 28 0 53.418805 -2.821186
L36 1XP 20 0 53.417687 -2.820472
L36 1XQ 18 0 53.417454 -2.821611
L36 1XR 11 0 53.41596 -2.821838
L36 1XS 7 0 53.416576 -2.819864
L36 1XT 9 0 53.416642 -2.819369
L36 1XU 14 0 53.416948 -2.822053
L36 1XW 38 0 53.418329 -2.822471
L36 1XX 21 0 53.416872 -2.823932
L36 1XY 27 0 53.420007 -2.822939
L36 1YA 5 0 53.421262 -2.822031