all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 2QA 23 14 53.419764 -2.852337
L36 2QB 9 5 53.41933 -2.851456
L36 2QD 54 0 53.415189 -2.851072
L36 2QE 35 1 53.41554 -2.852358
L36 2QF 13 0 53.414426 -2.849733
L36 2QG 52 0 53.415698 -2.852827
L36 2QH 28 0 53.418666 -2.851367
L36 2QJ 38 0 53.417157 -2.849953
L36 2QL 34 0 53.415288 -2.84978
L36 2QN 30 0 53.418679 -2.851969
L36 2QP 28 0 53.415213 -2.85029
L36 2QQ 21 0 53.414197 -2.85033
L36 2QR 19 0 53.414846 -2.858798
L36 2QS 20 0 53.41544 -2.85866
L36 2QT 62 0 53.415684 -2.857266
L36 2QU 12 0 53.419623 -2.850769
L36 2QW 40 0 53.417144 -2.850449
L36 2QX 44 0 53.418723 -2.864685
L36 2QZ 10 0 53.419183 -2.865687
L36 2RB 18 0 53.41481 -2.853772