all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 2NZ 24 0 53.42019 -2.86321
L36 2PA 16 11 53.417735 -2.865823
L36 2PB 5 1 53.420274 -2.867439
L36 2PD 5 0 53.420788 -2.865042
L36 2PE 35 1 53.420695 -2.861685
L36 2PF 34 0 53.420883 -2.858047
L36 2PG 38 0 53.420443 -2.8618
L36 2PJ 38 0 53.418644 -2.849395
L36 2PL 34 0 53.416657 -2.848197
L36 2PN 25 0 53.414867 -2.848297
L36 2PP 28 0 53.418672 -2.850434
L36 2PQ 23 0 53.420334 -2.858172
L36 2PR 26 0 53.417557 -2.849299
L36 2PS 55 5 53.415519 -2.848957
L36 2PT 20 0 53.414165 -2.8472
L36 2PU 26 0 53.413861 -2.847013
L36 2PW 6 1 53.41386 -2.848367
L36 2PX 24 0 53.418049 -2.848406
L36 2PY 40 0 53.415094 -2.846752
L36 2PZ 28 0 53.414938 -2.84726