all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 3UP 36 0 53.422552 -2.853084
L36 3UQ 17 0 53.426194 -2.857041
L36 3UR 34 0 53.42585 -2.854852
L36 3US 41 0 53.422178 -2.851723
L36 3UT 42 0 53.426318 -2.854771
L36 3UU 15 0 53.421405 -2.846667
L36 3UY 43 0 53.422822 -2.84829
L36 3UZ 23 0 53.425785 -2.85008
L36 3XA 50 0 53.422978 -2.847917
L36 3XB 27 0 53.425601 -2.849474
L36 3XD 18 0 53.427245 -2.850801
L36 3XE 52 0 53.423143 -2.847484
L36 3XF 34 0 53.425792 -2.849132
L36 3XH 23 0 53.427966 -2.850484
L36 3XJ 10 0 53.426511 -2.850395
L36 3XL 42 0 53.427263 -2.849582
L36 3XS 27 0 53.422485 -2.856545
L36 3XT 16 1 53.424345 -2.852925
L36 3XU 15 0 53.424917 -2.853313
L36 3XW 16 0 53.426951 -2.851773