all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 3TF 24 0 53.424367 -2.84346
L36 3TG 26 0 53.422818 -2.843866
L36 3TH 30 2 53.423268 -2.856018
L36 3TJ 9 0 53.42479 -2.848419
L36 3TL 28 0 53.425225 -2.845343
L36 3TN 28 4 53.422901 -2.85592
L36 3TP 8 0 53.424312 -2.848726
L36 3TQ 26 0 53.424325 -2.842947
L36 3TR 34 0 53.424923 -2.844961
L36 3TS 3 0 53.422595 -2.853658
L36 3TT 38 0 53.422349 -2.855443
L36 3TU 33 0 53.424273 -2.856671
L36 3TW 7 1 53.423595 -2.852188
L36 3TX 41 0 53.42459 -2.856361
L36 3UB 15 0 53.421171 -2.846617
L36 3UD 30 0 53.424004 -2.857809
L36 3UE 30 0 53.426199 -2.857567
L36 3UF 12 0 53.423404 -2.857511
L36 3UG 14 0 53.424322 -2.857289
L36 3UH 39 0 53.42236 -2.851366