all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 6BS 10 0 53.409642 -2.823025
L36 6BT 47 0 53.409661 -2.820242
L36 6BU 18 0 53.410935 -2.820643
L36 6BW 1 1 53.408604 -2.822343
L36 6BX 22 0 53.409746 -2.819627
L36 6BY 17 0 53.412611 -2.826498
L36 6BZ 47 0 53.412773 -2.825132
L36 6DA 21 0 53.410357 -2.819714
L36 6DB 4 0 53.410828 -2.821498
L36 6DD 24 2 53.409616 -2.822588
L36 6DE 16 0 53.411399 -2.826248
L36 6DF 11 0 53.411806 -2.828603
L36 6DG 2 2 53.411308 -2.833949
L36 6DH 16 0 53.411431 -2.829107
L36 6DJ 14 1 53.411218 -2.831691
L36 6DL 30 0 53.411001 -2.830513
L36 6DN 42 0 53.412243 -2.823813
L36 6DP 22 0 53.413019 -2.827258
L36 6DQ 16 0 53.411056 -2.826558
L36 6DR 28 0 53.413818 -2.824911