all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 7XQ 15 0 53.416959 -2.833353
L36 7XR 2 2 53.418174 -2.834188
L36 7XS 7 0 53.419136 -2.843386
L36 7XT 16 0 53.419702 -2.843443
L36 7XU 29 0 53.419693 -2.842194
L36 7XW 29 0 53.417553 -2.835817
L36 7XX 19 0 53.417515 -2.841263
L36 7XY 24 4 53.419526 -2.842807
L36 7XZ 20 1 53.417054 -2.84163
L36 7YA 16 0 53.419889 -2.844861
L36 7YH 8 0 53.418011 -2.846133
L36 7YJ 19 0 53.418555 -2.845436
L36 7YL 24 0 53.41998 -2.846006
L36 7YP 50 0 53.414341 -2.835017
L36 7YR 24 0 53.414649 -2.84229
L36 7YT 5 0 53.414573 -2.839129
L36 7YU 42 0 53.422093 -2.837019
L36 7YZ 31 0 53.422472 -2.835597
L36 7TX 1 53.412653 -2.83721
L36 7XD 13 0 53.414652 -2.836828