all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 7UP 31 0 53.41707 -2.844384
L36 7UQ 23 0 53.416871 -2.843312
L36 7UR 20 0 53.417128 -2.846341
L36 7US 5 0 53.416393 -2.846101
L36 7UT 11 0 53.415383 -2.845268
L36 7UU 24 0 53.414891 -2.844957
L36 7UW 3 0 53.417796 -2.833204
L36 7UX 40 1 53.414819 -2.843647
L36 7UY 19 0 53.419603 -2.844735
L36 7UZ 24 0 53.41926 -2.844848
L36 7XA 57 0 53.415187 -2.842526
L36 7XB 12 0 53.41899 -2.834671
L36 7XE 1 0 53.414649 -2.838453
L36 7XF 15 0 53.417007 -2.834151
L36 7XG 6 3 53.414357 -2.837454
L36 7XH 3 0 53.415013 -2.837798
L36 7XJ 16 0 53.41655 -2.832713
L36 7XL 2 0 53.41705 -2.839357
L36 7XN 3 0 53.417034 -2.838018
L36 7XP 27 0 53.416532 -2.839182