all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 8BT 0 53.42694 -2.826339
L36 8AT 8 0 53.427691 -2.846205
L36 8AU 6 0 53.427325 -2.845926
L36 8AW 13 0 53.427449 -2.8448
L36 8AX 4 0 53.42759 -2.845285
L36 8AY 4 0 53.427006 -2.844941
L36 8AG 12 0 53.428478 -2.847755
L36 8AH 15 0 53.428747 -2.848167
L36 8FN 0 53.429005 -2.85359
L36 8FH 0 53.428614 -2.85292
L36 8FG 0 53.427894 -2.851837
L36 8FP 0 53.428105 -2.852489
L36 8DY 0 53.428294 -2.848413
L36 8EQ 0 53.429234 -2.854302
L36 8AJ 0 53.428735 -2.847022
L36 8AL 0 53.428712 -2.847714
L36 8DT 15 0 53.428129 -2.848816