all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 8HQ 40 0 53.426924 -2.831275
L36 8HR 32 0 53.426457 -2.828708
L36 8HS 4 0 53.426322 -2.827456
L36 8HT 31 1 53.424254 -2.832683
L36 8HU 4 0 53.425221 -2.83067
L36 8HW 34 0 53.428065 -2.83655
L36 8HX 3 0 53.426369 -2.827141
L36 8JB 25 0 53.427922 -2.842808
L36 8JD 61 0 53.428018 -2.844118
L36 8JE 18 0 53.431277 -2.855126
L36 8JF 41 0 53.431603 -2.854862
L36 8JG 21 0 53.43278 -2.852372
L36 8JH 12 0 53.432062 -2.852207
L36 8JJ 33 0 53.432449 -2.853343
L36 8JL 18 0 53.433783 -2.854213
L36 8JN 13 0 53.430655 -2.85415
L36 8JQ 14 0 53.433401 -2.853543
L36 8JW 25 0 53.431478 -2.853459
L36 8DH 0 53.426648 -2.842527
L36 8BB 0 53.426844 -2.82727