all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 3XL 42 0 53.427263 -2.849582
L36 3XS 27 0 53.422485 -2.856545
L36 3XT 16 1 53.424345 -2.852925
L36 3XU 15 0 53.424917 -2.853313
L36 3XW 16 0 53.426951 -2.851773
L36 3YB 4 4 53.421912 -2.862145
L36 3YD 1 1 53.422866 -2.858569
L36 3YE 1 1 53.424064 -2.850602
L36 3UX 11 0 53.423545 -2.856686
L36 3WA 4 0 53.423347 -2.856637
L36 3XR 0 53.426559 -2.848726
L36 3WH 1 53.422147 -2.856011
L36 3AB 12 0 53.424279 -2.854217
L36 3AD 4 0 53.424205 -2.854502
L36 3AE 2 0 53.423861 -2.854901
L36 4HA 8 0 53.408468 -2.854503
L36 4HD 4 2 53.408844 -2.859429
L36 4HE 10 1 53.408898 -2.849728
L36 4HF 27 2 53.40901 -2.852874
L36 4HG 17 0 53.409253 -2.857813