all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 4HH 7 0 53.409307 -2.867848
L36 4HL 29 0 53.407346 -2.8543
L36 4HN 26 0 53.407349 -2.8526
L36 4HP 8 0 53.409542 -2.850147
L36 4HQ 17 0 53.40926 -2.864372
L36 4HR 10 0 53.409415 -2.851588
L36 4HS 15 0 53.40924 -2.85333
L36 4HT 2 0 53.408264 -2.855055
L36 4HU 20 1 53.409513 -2.855411
L36 4HW 32 0 53.407592 -2.853823
L36 4HX 6 1 53.409679 -2.857009
L36 4HY 6 0 53.409488 -2.866363
L36 4HZ 17 0 53.410394 -2.866697
L36 4JA 14 0 53.409646 -2.864455
L36 4JB 23 0 53.409091 -2.870356
L36 4JD 32 0 53.410698 -2.86556
L36 4JE 41 0 53.410037 -2.869984
L36 4JF 30 0 53.410325 -2.869915
L36 4JG 28 0 53.410809 -2.87012
L36 4JH 28 0 53.412579 -2.864003