all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 6DP 22 0 53.413019 -2.827258
L36 6DQ 16 0 53.411056 -2.826558
L36 6DR 28 0 53.413818 -2.824911
L36 6DS 17 1 53.417479 -2.830986
L36 6DT 27 0 53.412162 -2.822547
L36 6DU 12 5 53.411398 -2.822547
L36 6DW 50 0 53.412456 -2.824193
L36 6DX 24 0 53.412039 -2.820785
L36 6DY 13 5 53.41829 -2.8307
L36 6DZ 8 1 53.417368 -2.828892
L36 6EA 19 1 53.416649 -2.827569
L36 6EB 41 10 53.415399 -2.825032
L36 6ED 8 1 53.412789 -2.821581
L36 6EE 4 0 53.418071 -2.831193
L36 6EF 29 0 53.41689 -2.829018
L36 6EG 10 3 53.414797 -2.825035
L36 6EH 26 0 53.411771 -2.820539
L36 6EJ 2 0 53.412918 -2.816829
L36 6EL 4 0 53.411934 -2.819053
L36 6EN 21 0 53.412791 -2.818663