all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 6JG 32 27 53.404628 -2.822793
L36 6JQ 1 1 53.407898 -2.826888
L36 6LF 10 0 53.409844 -2.828956
L36 6LP 32 0 53.410033 -2.827516
L36 6LS 14 0 53.412074 -2.817084
L36 6LT 17 0 53.411913 -2.818315
L36 6LX 17 0 53.409289 -2.820747
L36 6NA 1 1 53.410277 -2.840263
L36 6WT 0 53.410501 -2.83998
L36 6LH 1 0 53.40991 -2.829725
L36 6AL 0 53.4106 -2.822291
L36 6FL 0 53.410444 -2.822755
L36 6BP 5 3 53.406589 -2.819581
L36 6AG 3 0 53.410363 -2.825386
L36 6AQ 4 0 53.41054 -2.824426
L36 6AR 6 0 53.410689 -2.823406
L36 6AW 14 9 53.400073 -2.815922
L36 6AF 5 53.406806 -2.82634
L36 6FN 0 53.410035 -2.823409
L36 6FR 0 53.409975 -2.822941