all postcodes in L4 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L4 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L4 5QL 8 0 53.445219 -2.97146
L4 5QN 60 0 53.444815 -2.970261
L4 5QP 33 0 53.445345 -2.974775
L4 5QQ 26 0 53.446387 -2.971486
L4 5QR 27 0 53.445655 -2.973111
L4 5QS 44 2 53.444335 -2.971816
L4 5QT 18 1 53.445757 -2.972677
L4 5QU 40 0 53.444499 -2.971397
L4 5QW 49 0 53.446417 -2.971186
L4 5QX 17 1 53.446002 -2.972426
L4 5QY 35 0 53.447992 -2.973119
L4 5RA 16 0 53.445997 -2.972005
L4 5RB 16 0 53.446319 -2.972193
L4 5RD 17 0 53.446632 -2.972411
L4 5RE 43 0 53.446052 -2.975123
L4 5RF 14 0 53.445958 -2.974548
L4 5RJ 31 0 53.440303 -2.962511
L4 5RL 33 0 53.441963 -2.961735
L4 5RN 32 0 53.439789 -2.965977
L4 5RW 45 1 53.439392 -2.963709