all postcodes in L4 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L4 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L4 5RP 16 0 53.446775 -2.972504
L4 5RQ 3 0 53.438291 -2.963444
L4 5RR 55 0 53.446509 -2.969773
L4 5RS 18 0 53.446762 -2.970682
L4 5RT 14 1 53.446816 -2.969644
L4 5RU 8 0 53.446574 -2.968434
L4 5RX 37 0 53.438336 -2.964544
L4 5SB 37 0 53.438428 -2.96423
L4 5SD 35 1 53.440866 -2.963984
L4 5SG 56 0 53.440531 -2.965451
L4 5SH 42 0 53.441063 -2.965223
L4 5SJ 37 0 53.440503 -2.963313
L4 5SL 24 0 53.441975 -2.964671
L4 5SN 37 0 53.441278 -2.965061
L4 5SP 22 0 53.442877 -2.96427
L4 5SQ 51 0 53.440159 -2.963561
L4 5SR 22 0 53.442786 -2.963335
L4 5SS 16 0 53.44192 -2.963661
L4 5ST 22 0 53.442701 -2.962761
L4 5SU 20 0 53.441818 -2.962997