all postcodes in L4 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L4 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L4 5SW 35 0 53.440891 -2.963171
L4 5SX 22 0 53.442685 -2.962504
L4 5SY 35 0 53.441719 -2.964093
L4 5SZ 33 0 53.441502 -2.964072
L4 5TA 24 0 53.441652 -2.962345
L4 5TB 22 0 53.442599 -2.96193
L4 5TD 54 0 53.443178 -2.96929
L4 5TE 38 5 53.440893 -2.966197
L4 5TF 19 0 53.442638 -2.964912
L4 5TG 36 0 53.442428 -2.963161
L4 5TH 17 0 53.443682 -2.969181
L4 5TJ 24 0 53.443789 -2.96825
L4 5TL 42 0 53.443482 -2.968167
L4 5TN 31 0 53.444 -2.967653
L4 5TP 30 0 53.444309 -2.967284
L4 5TQ 37 0 53.442219 -2.963457
L4 5TR 29 0 53.444127 -2.967535
L4 5TS 22 0 53.443824 -2.966143
L4 5TT 43 0 53.44379 -2.965857
L4 5TU 31 0 53.443697 -2.965192