all postcodes in L / Liverpool

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Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District

L / Liverpool

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L1 6AE 1 0 53.407747 -2.987408
L1 6AF 32 14 53.407521 -2.98778
L1 6AL 4 3 53.40673 -2.986527
L1 6AU 2 2 53.406233 -2.985915
L1 6BD 19 1 53.407174 -2.98732
L1 6BG 14 2 53.407313 -2.986797
L1 6BR 1 1 53.408131 -2.986816
L1 6BQ 1 1 53.407467 -2.98665
L1 6BU 37 3 53.407968 -2.986933
L1 6BW 25 7 53.407235 -2.985306
L1 6BX 14 2 53.407549 -2.985464
L1 6DE 3 1 53.408576 -2.983937
L1 6DG 3 3 53.408625 -2.983578
L1 6DP 14 0 53.408811 -2.984936
L1 6DQ 263 68 53.408789 -2.985492
L1 6DS 5 5 53.406055 -2.985685
L1 6DT 8 4 53.407005 -2.984834
L1 6DX 10 1 53.407322 -2.984631
L1 6DZ 13 10 53.406122 -2.985115
L1 6EG 5 5 53.406747 -2.984558