all postcodes in LA12 / ULVERSTON

find any address or company within the LA12 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA12 9RR 15 0 54.138762 -3.089843
LA12 9RS 3 0 54.139254 -3.095074
LA12 9RT 12 1 54.130519 -3.098855
LA12 9RU 5 0 54.121153 -3.110707
LA12 9RW 10 1 54.1417 -3.092997
LA12 9RX 28 0 54.176002 -3.069435
LA12 9RY 5 1 54.143915 -3.085553
LA12 9RZ 6 0 54.183805 -3.089373
LA12 9SA 3 0 54.176489 -3.096335
LA12 9SB 3 0 54.172898 -3.093805
LA12 9SD 1 0 54.173911 -3.104923
LA12 9SE 2 0 54.172212 -3.100128
LA12 9SF 1 0 54.165004 -3.103031
LA12 9SH 3 0 54.14213 -3.092121
LA12 9SQ 9 0 54.186574 -3.092296
LA12 9TA 26 0 54.185441 -3.097216
LA12 9YB 1 1 54.194832 -3.094415
LA12 9LF 4 0 54.1842 -3.099297
LA12 9SR 8 0 54.161385 -3.07287
LA12 9SX 13 0 54.194518 -3.07845