all postcodes in LA12 / ULVERSTON

find any address or company within the LA12 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA12 9BA 16 0 54.195824 -3.084201
LA12 9BB 6 0 54.194974 -3.08375
LA12 9BD 17 0 54.195318 -3.082426
LA12 9BE 19 1 54.19451 -3.085363
LA12 9BG 2 0 54.194538 -3.087187
LA12 9BL 8 1 54.191867 -3.083439
LA12 9BN 2 1 54.192435 -3.085216
LA12 9BP 10 0 54.191413 -3.087948
LA12 9BS 18 0 54.190353 -3.087828
LA12 9BT 10 0 54.19157 -3.087477
LA12 9BU 40 0 54.190476 -3.086192
LA12 9BX 12 0 54.190007 -3.087375
LA12 9BY 30 0 54.190894 -3.085682
LA12 9BZ 4 0 54.191152 -3.086914
LA12 9DA 10 0 54.190649 -3.083974
LA12 9DB 5 0 54.190825 -3.083366
LA12 9DD 38 0 54.191469 -3.084639
LA12 9DE 15 0 54.191363 -3.086506
LA12 9DF 4 0 54.19179 -3.086962
LA12 9DG 2 0 54.191918 -3.087701