all postcodes in LA12 / ULVERSTON

find any address or company within the LA12 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA12 9DH 5 0 54.19591 -3.07959
LA12 9DJ 3 3 54.194664 -3.077228
LA12 9DL 7 5 54.189687 -3.067887
LA12 9EB 8 6 54.190861 -3.069282
LA12 9DP 15 0 54.191286 -3.069983
LA12 9DQ 14 6 54.1912 -3.070593
LA12 9DR 1 1 54.189477 -3.063101
LA12 9DS 13 0 54.194002 -3.077839
LA12 9DT 9 1 54.193896 -3.074679
LA12 9DU 36 0 54.193356 -3.074711
LA12 9DX 35 0 54.192845 -3.072582
LA12 9DY 34 0 54.19252 -3.072696
LA12 9DZ 27 2 54.19181 -3.070686
LA12 9EA 40 0 54.192252 -3.069486
LA12 9ED 13 0 54.190652 -3.073552
LA12 9EE 18 17 54.189526 -3.077814
LA12 9EF 2 2 54.189242 -3.068443
LA12 9EG 11 2 54.187333 -3.065727
LA12 9EH 16 0 54.183843 -3.0691
LA12 9EL 10 1 54.189671 -3.05437