all postcodes in LA12 / ULVERSTON

find any address or company within the LA12 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA12 0DT 18 0 54.190536 -3.097443
LA12 0DU 12 0 54.190696 -3.099547
LA12 0DX 37 0 54.190553 -3.102409
LA12 0DY 6 0 54.189447 -3.099498
LA12 0DZ 1 0 54.190741 -3.095655
LA12 0EA 2 1 54.189884 -3.095985
LA12 0EB 1 1 54.188442 -3.094445
LA12 0ED 6 0 54.189406 -3.096095
LA12 0EE 17 0 54.18923 -3.096749
LA12 0EF 4 0 54.188456 -3.09587
LA12 0EG 30 0 54.188667 -3.097316
LA12 0EH 9 0 54.187624 -3.097365
LA12 0EJ 11 0 54.18731 -3.096346
LA12 0EN 12 2 54.191498 -3.091384
LA12 0EP 16 0 54.190178 -3.090261
LA12 0EQ 23 0 54.188127 -3.097455
LA12 0ER 1 1 54.191099 -3.091802
LA12 0ES 1 0 54.189567 -3.090321
LA12 0ET 14 0 54.190078 -3.08943
LA12 0EU 23 0 54.190605 -3.088862