all postcodes in LA12 / ULVERSTON

find any address or company within the LA12 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA12 0LD 2 2 54.169348 -3.14783
LA12 0LE 19 0 54.179458 -3.147129
LA12 0LF 4 0 54.177616 -3.150833
LA12 0LG 14 0 54.172665 -3.145976
LA12 0LH 12 0 54.17306 -3.146907
LA12 0LJ 5 0 54.172938 -3.146597
LA12 0LL 26 1 54.170697 -3.149676
LA12 0LN 8 0 54.172117 -3.1497
LA12 0LP 9 0 54.17202 -3.150432
LA12 0LQ 30 0 54.172293 -3.14635
LA12 0LR 5 0 54.171973 -3.151565
LA12 0LS 9 0 54.172233 -3.152598
LA12 0LT 12 0 54.173046 -3.153096
LA12 0LU 5 1 54.167583 -3.161353
LA12 0LW 5 0 54.169509 -3.149888
LA12 0LX 34 1 54.173413 -3.151421
LA12 0LY 12 0 54.174848 -3.151721
LA12 0LZ 9 0 54.175496 -3.151647
LA12 0NA 16 0 54.176966 -3.153036
LA12 0NB 2 1 54.177166 -3.152704