all postcodes in LA14 / BARROW-IN-FURNESS

find any address or company within the LA14 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA14 1QQ 9 2 54.114693 -3.227003
LA14 1QR 46 1 54.11548 -3.226537
LA14 1QS 17 5 54.115444 -3.225694
LA14 1QT 30 1 54.115924 -3.225326
LA14 1QU 1 1 54.115141 -3.227169
LA14 1QX 1 1 54.115093 -3.226586
LA14 1QY 1 1 54.11635 -3.225797
LA14 1RD 14 6 54.113316 -3.229808
LA14 1RH 11 9 54.113026 -3.23009
LA14 1RP 1 1 54.112495 -3.229233
LA14 1RR 1 1 54.112829 -3.229025
LA14 1RT 1 1 54.112043 -3.228684
LA14 1RU 1 1 54.112168 -3.227816
LA14 1RW 5 5 54.112343 -3.229133
LA14 1RX 6 5 54.112617 -3.228808
LA14 1SB 5 5 54.113106 -3.228283
LA14 1SF 13 12 54.11334 -3.228401
LA14 1SG 42 0 54.113539 -3.229076
LA14 1SJ 4 3 54.11373 -3.22982
LA14 1SL 24 0 54.114071 -3.229845