all postcodes in LA14 / BARROW-IN-FURNESS

find any address or company within the LA14 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA14 1SN 19 2 54.114393 -3.22912
LA14 1SP 11 7 54.114414 -3.228846
LA14 1SQ 36 0 54.113734 -3.228489
LA14 1SR 1 0 54.116063 -3.226646
LA14 1SS 11 1 54.114041 -3.229152
LA14 1ST 7 2 54.114099 -3.228026
LA14 1SW 4 0 54.114756 -3.229682
LA14 1SX 23 0 54.115593 -3.22166
LA14 1SY 57 0 54.114904 -3.221287
LA14 1SZ 7 0 54.115371 -3.22046
LA14 1TD 33 0 54.116189 -3.222258
LA14 1TH 10 0 54.114689 -3.222027
LA14 1TJ 15 0 54.114757 -3.222492
LA14 1TN 5 0 54.116233 -3.223178
LA14 1UT 2 0 54.116476 -3.236247
LA14 1UU 3 0 54.115512 -3.236604
LA14 1UX 24 0 54.115693 -3.235554
LA14 1UY 20 0 54.116303 -3.236536
LA14 1UZ 36 0 54.11595 -3.235898
LA14 1WY 1 1 54.112666 -3.225704