all postcodes in LA14 / BARROW-IN-FURNESS

find any address or company within the LA14 postcode district

Postcode Area

LA / Lancaster

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LA14 1NR 34 0 54.117091 -3.234218
LA14 1NS 6 1 54.117662 -3.233776
LA14 1NT 2 0 54.117657 -3.234155
LA14 1NW 35 1 54.117013 -3.23391
LA14 1NY 2 2 54.118442 -3.234699
LA14 1PH 7 6 54.114916 -3.227147
LA14 1PN 19 15 54.115387 -3.226824
LA14 1PP 3 2 54.114572 -3.22651
LA14 1PQ 8 7 54.115185 -3.227216
LA14 1PR 13 11 54.114435 -3.225909
LA14 1PT 5 5 54.114127 -3.22616
LA14 1PU 6 6 54.113759 -3.22517
LA14 1PX 8 8 54.113727 -3.225705
LA14 1PZ 18 17 54.113598 -3.226753
LA14 1QD 11 10 54.113868 -3.226795
LA14 1QE 28 20 54.113945 -3.22721
LA14 1QG 9 3 54.114226 -3.22775
LA14 1QJ 40 0 54.114709 -3.228151
LA14 1QL 2 0 54.115064 -3.228494
LA14 1QP 4 3 54.115101 -3.22576