all postcodes in LL30 / LLANDUDNO JUNCTION

find any address or company within the LL30 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL30 2SJ 28 5 53.320325 -3.830279
LL30 2SQ 51 1 53.3203 -3.829002
LL30 2SR 4 4 53.324802 -3.83196
LL30 2SS 1 1 53.324015 -3.831788
LL30 2ST 1 1 53.324337 -3.830618
LL30 2SW 34 9 53.326201 -3.832785
LL30 2SY 55 7 53.324366 -3.832314
LL30 2SZ 1 1 53.318913 -3.830924
LL30 2TA 5 0 53.317329 -3.833964
LL30 2TD 6 3 53.323786 -3.830204
LL30 2TE 10 5 53.322778 -3.829783
LL30 2TG 7 1 53.323167 -3.828434
LL30 2TH 1 1 53.323177 -3.830761
LL30 2TJ 27 0 53.318905 -3.834962
LL30 2TL 45 26 53.323046 -3.830485
LL30 2TP 1 1 53.323069 -3.831342
LL30 2TQ 38 0 53.319275 -3.833102
LL30 2TS 4 4 53.322071 -3.829485
LL30 2TT 29 1 53.322158 -3.830327
LL30 2TU 2 0 53.321544 -3.829253