all postcodes in LL30 / LLANDUDNO JUNCTION

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Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL30 2XD 2 2 53.342273 -3.868821
LL30 2XE 1 0 53.338413 -3.8507
LL30 2XF 5 2 53.331922 -3.843751
LL30 2XG 2 1 53.330023 -3.847231
LL30 2XS 4 4 53.323537 -3.825401
LL30 2XT 1 1 53.323255 -3.824473
LL30 2YA 41 3 53.323325 -3.832194
LL30 2YB 64 11 53.323602 -3.833482
LL30 2YD 9 1 53.323457 -3.832395
LL30 2YE 30 1 53.323787 -3.833175
LL30 2YF 5 1 53.324103 -3.833639
LL30 2YG 30 4 53.32239 -3.833956
LL30 2YH 120 0 53.323273 -3.834444
LL30 2YJ 30 0 53.31708 -3.838472
LL30 2YL 4 4 53.322859 -3.835042
LL30 2YN 72 0 53.322417 -3.835671
LL30 2YP 54 2 53.321545 -3.835721
LL30 2YQ 11 1 53.316803 -3.837097
LL30 2YR 29 0 53.321746 -3.836105
LL30 2YS 1 0 53.320487 -3.836126