all postcodes in LL30 / LLANDUDNO JUNCTION

find any address or company within the LL30 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL30 2NY 1 53.32504 -3.830616
LL30 2NZ 1 53.320627 -3.82819
LL30 2PE 17 53.326639 -3.832441
LL30 2PH 0 53.327182 -3.832209
LL30 2PJ 0 53.314996 -3.837049
LL30 2PL 1 53.325388 -3.830766
LL30 2PN 0 53.325226 -3.830218
LL30 2PQ 0 53.315596 -3.839654
LL30 2PS 16 53.322125 -3.825476
LL30 2PX 0 53.313989 -3.836613
LL30 2PY 6 53.322202 -3.826218
LL30 2PZ 0 53.313824 -3.836786
LL30 2QA 0 53.326703 -3.844022
LL30 2QB 0 53.325458 -3.845469
LL30 2QD 0 53.325109 -3.844238
LL30 2QE 0 53.326516 -3.843308
LL30 2QF 1 53.328007 -3.841074
LL30 2QG 0 53.327889 -3.838832
LL30 2QH 0 53.328521 -3.83985
LL30 2QL 1 53.330342 -3.837093