all postcodes in LL30 / LLANDUDNO JUNCTION

find any address or company within the LL30 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL30 2QN 0 53.329048 -3.83774
LL30 2QP 0 53.328233 -3.838651
LL30 2QQ 1 53.328451 -3.837955
LL30 2QR 1 53.32862 -3.836911
LL30 2QW 0 53.328435 -3.837249
LL30 2QZ 0 53.326511 -3.857588
LL30 2RA 1 53.321567 -3.827212
LL30 2RB 5 53.322101 -3.827622
LL30 2RD 1 1 53.322389 -3.828761
LL30 2RH 9 8 53.322756 -3.828281
LL30 2RJ 38 0 53.316344 -3.833141
LL30 2RN 1 1 53.322002 -3.828234
LL30 2RP 14 10 53.323594 -3.82928
LL30 2RQ 39 0 53.312967 -3.835218
LL30 2RS 1 1 53.323577 -3.829277
LL30 2RU 1 1 53.323123 -3.827831
LL30 2SB 15 13 53.324744 -3.831144
LL30 2SE 65 0 53.321509 -3.839819
LL30 2SF 1 1 53.324051 -3.830003
LL30 2SH 1 1 53.324911 -3.831391