all postcodes in LL57 / BANGOR

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Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL57 3HP 2 0 53.190836 -4.057948
LL57 3HR 4 0 53.191083 -4.05776
LL57 3HS 21 0 53.191631 -4.057307
LL57 3HT 1 0 53.192172 -4.055103
LL57 3HU 41 1 53.192799 -4.05892
LL57 3HW 2 0 53.191148 -4.058142
LL57 3HY 2 1 53.193419 -4.055776
LL57 3LA 3 0 53.196494 -4.061522
LL57 3LB 10 0 53.196952 -4.061984
LL57 3LD 4 0 53.196507 -4.062741
LL57 3LE 16 1 53.197978 -4.06354
LL57 3LF 7 0 53.198816 -4.066545
LL57 3LG 4 0 53.204272 -4.050501
LL57 3LH 2 0 53.20136 -4.064965
LL57 3LJ 6 1 53.165089 -4.049604
LL57 3LL 6 0 53.206484 -4.06037
LL57 3LN 2 0 53.212518 -4.056621
LL57 3LP 5 5 53.184152 -4.059808
LL57 3LQ 2 1 53.169085 -4.057116
LL57 3LT 10 0 53.186283 -4.074818