all postcodes in LL57 / BANGOR

find any address or company within the LL57 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL57 3NW 14 0 53.182921 -4.066543
LL57 3NY 46 0 53.178456 -4.056976
LL57 3PA 6 0 53.178937 -4.054664
LL57 3PB 1 0 53.179814 -4.055395
LL57 3PD 16 0 53.179016 -4.05582
LL57 3PE 9 0 53.177755 -4.055925
LL57 3PF 28 0 53.177502 -4.05705
LL57 3PG 54 0 53.1768 -4.055041
LL57 3PH 1 0 53.176968 -4.05466
LL57 3PL 49 1 53.177014 -4.053061
LL57 3PN 1 0 53.176832 -4.052109
LL57 3PP 9 0 53.176467 -4.056581
LL57 3PR 1 0 53.175823 -4.056386
LL57 3PS 12 0 53.174117 -4.055736
LL57 3PU 2 0 53.173516 -4.056146
LL57 3PW 1 0 53.17654 -4.056001
LL57 3PY 26 0 53.173307 -4.054739
LL57 3RA 17 0 53.171909 -4.055046
LL57 3RB 3 0 53.173318 -4.055189
LL57 3RD 32 0 53.174256 -4.05239