all postcodes in LL57 / BANGOR

find any address or company within the LL57 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL57 3LU 30 0 53.184515 -4.071529
LL57 3LW 8 0 53.192151 -4.063589
LL57 3LX 13 2 53.156413 -4.043257
LL57 3LY 7 3 53.181557 -4.067959
LL57 3LZ 4 2 53.123286 -4.020488
LL57 3NA 8 0 53.18138 -4.067786
LL57 3NB 31 0 53.181516 -4.066162
LL57 3NE 15 6 53.180917 -4.067949
LL57 3NF 1 0 53.181434 -4.06309
LL57 3NG 31 0 53.181785 -4.063077
LL57 3NH 10 0 53.181883 -4.06365
LL57 3NJ 6 0 53.181109 -4.063164
LL57 3NL 15 0 53.181959 -4.064971
LL57 3NN 47 1 53.184132 -4.066153
LL57 3NP 10 0 53.181997 -4.067442
LL57 3NQ 14 0 53.182293 -4.068549
LL57 3NR 19 0 53.181745 -4.06746
LL57 3NS 4 0 53.178745 -4.058456
LL57 3NT 12 1 53.178101 -4.058276
LL57 3NU 4 0 53.178436 -4.058666