all postcodes in LL57 / BANGOR

find any address or company within the LL57 postcode district

Postcode Area

LL / Llandudno

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LL57 3RE 19 0 53.173799 -4.053895
LL57 3RF 3 0 53.174352 -4.054131
LL57 3RG 3 0 53.175228 -4.052347
LL57 3RH 6 0 53.175305 -4.051543
LL57 3RJ 2 0 53.175669 -4.050682
LL57 3RL 8 0 53.175049 -4.050214
LL57 3RN 1 0 53.177004 -4.051025
LL57 3RS 20 0 53.186486 -4.060054
LL57 3RT 12 0 53.184979 -4.058785
LL57 3RU 2 1 53.185281 -4.059448
LL57 3RW 21 0 53.1786 -4.053316
LL57 3RX 7 0 53.184776 -4.059598
LL57 3RY 20 0 53.184151 -4.058865
LL57 3RZ 1 0 53.183531 -4.058326
LL57 3SA 2 0 53.184044 -4.058191
LL57 3SB 4 0 53.183365 -4.056447
LL57 3SD 2 0 53.192856 -4.059676
LL57 3SE 43 1 53.182865 -4.057845
LL57 3SF 4 0 53.183232 -4.057399
LL57 3SG 37 0 53.181612 -4.056369