all postcodes in LN5 / LINCOLN

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN5 7DZ 1 1 53.227893 -0.540684
LN5 7ED 6 3 53.225301 -0.538226
LN5 7EQ 24 9 53.226823 -0.539927
LN5 7EJ 1 1 53.227781 -0.537858
LN5 7ET 32 24 53.227333 -0.538697
LN5 7EU 6 0 53.228077 -0.537803
LN5 7EW 1 1 53.226254 -0.539721
LN5 7EX 11 3 53.225548 -0.545258
LN5 7EY 20 6 53.224948 -0.543602
LN5 7EZ 2 2 53.226276 -0.539722
LN5 7FB 14 5 53.226429 -0.524735
LN5 7GZ 1 1 53.224065 -0.545233
LN5 7HA 1 1 53.227779 -0.54313
LN5 7HB 5 5 53.227261 -0.540122
LN5 7HE 16 14 53.227671 -0.539869
LN5 7HH 1 1 53.227637 -0.539614
LN5 7HJ 1 1 53.22749 -0.540054
LN5 7HW 14 5 53.227372 -0.536373
LN5 7JD 4 4 53.227667 -0.530761
LN5 7JE 1 1 53.225773 -0.527694