all postcodes in LN5 / LINCOLN

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN5 7LY 20 0 53.222346 -0.536993
LN5 7LZ 17 0 53.222789 -0.536469
LN5 7NA 5 0 53.222564 -0.537181
LN5 7ND 8 1 53.222555 -0.535743
LN5 7NE 28 1 53.222234 -0.535575
LN5 7NF 33 0 53.221762 -0.535201
LN5 7NG 9 0 53.221492 -0.534836
LN5 7NH 26 0 53.221802 -0.537027
LN5 7NJ 24 1 53.222062 -0.539161
LN5 7NL 24 0 53.222222 -0.53905
LN5 7NN 1 1 53.222863 -0.535882
LN5 7NQ 31 0 53.222008 -0.537005
LN5 7NU 3 3 53.224065 -0.545233
LN5 7PA 1 1 53.224279 -0.544402
LN5 7PD 5 0 53.221627 -0.545061
LN5 7PH 1 1 53.224065 -0.545233
LN5 7PJ 16 12 53.223793 -0.54361
LN5 7PN 9 0 53.222366 -0.544512
LN5 7PP 1 1 53.223186 -0.543945
LN5 7PR 14 8 53.222771 -0.544215