all postcodes in LN5 / LINCOLN

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN5 7JN 6 6 53.226442 -0.525469
LN5 7JX 30 3 53.224002 -0.541267
LN5 7JZ 72 6 53.22374 -0.541126
LN5 7LA 16 0 53.221098 -0.538235
LN5 7LB 52 3 53.22372 -0.539074
LN5 7LD 6 0 53.223787 -0.537978
LN5 7LE 25 0 53.223592 -0.537895
LN5 7LF 8 0 53.223866 -0.537511
LN5 7LG 24 3 53.223244 -0.536634
LN5 7LH 45 0 53.224099 -0.538432
LN5 7LL 28 0 53.222898 -0.538772
LN5 7LN 14 0 53.222635 -0.538541
LN5 7LP 24 0 53.222629 -0.538826
LN5 7LQ 32 0 53.223664 -0.53644
LN5 7LR 17 0 53.223166 -0.538329
LN5 7LS 24 0 53.222484 -0.538022
LN5 7LT 18 0 53.223022 -0.53754
LN5 7LU 11 0 53.222648 -0.536743
LN5 7LW 6 0 53.22417 -0.539148
LN5 7LX 16 0 53.222759 -0.536949