all postcodes in LN5 / LINCOLN

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN5 7RA 32 0 53.222538 -0.547248
LN5 7RB 12 0 53.222217 -0.547454
LN5 7RD 27 0 53.222609 -0.547875
LN5 7RE 24 0 53.222071 -0.546515
LN5 7RL 5 2 53.224306 -0.542918
LN5 7RN 5 2 53.223917 -0.543082
LN5 7RT 1 1 53.224065 -0.545233
LN5 7RU 11 3 53.223341 -0.543401
LN5 7RY 4 3 53.222984 -0.543547
LN5 7RZ 27 5 53.222581 -0.541944
LN5 7SB 41 1 53.22234 -0.541652
LN5 7SF 8 4 53.222493 -0.543834
LN5 7SH 27 0 53.221993 -0.542353
LN5 7SJ 52 0 53.221279 -0.541299
LN5 7SL 20 0 53.221661 -0.54199
LN5 7SN 35 0 53.221169 -0.542216
LN5 7SP 5 0 53.221932 -0.543239
LN5 7SR 22 0 53.221505 -0.543957
LN5 7SS 13 3 53.221222 -0.544341
LN5 7SW 29 0 53.221371 -0.542959