all postcodes in LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District

LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN1 2NX 7 0 53.279984 -0.681684
LN1 2NY 26 0 53.294893 -0.73689
LN1 2NZ 9 0 53.293594 -0.739884
LN1 2PA 1 0 53.271698 -0.674516
LN1 2PB 2 0 53.271377 -0.680165
LN1 2PD 1 0 53.270957 -0.685606
LN1 2PE 60 2 53.275749 -0.662183
LN1 2PF 9 0 53.267024 -0.662546
LN1 2PG 43 22 53.275505 -0.657227
LN1 2PH 19 1 53.302621 -0.65102
LN1 2PL 3 0 53.292009 -0.689521
LN1 2PN 14 0 53.293885 -0.742726
LN1 2PP 17 0 53.293859 -0.741962
LN1 2PQ 48 5 53.290968 -0.662729
LN1 2PR 49 0 53.27186 -0.668933
LN1 2PS 8 0 53.27516 -0.658557
LN1 2PT 46 0 53.273389 -0.663367
LN1 2PU 9 0 53.274172 -0.661813
LN1 2PX 24 0 53.267004 -0.663131
LN1 2PY 19 0 53.293846 -0.741602