all postcodes in LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District

LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN1 2PZ 35 6 53.265955 -0.658591
LN1 2QA 17 0 53.266502 -0.658484
LN1 2QB 32 0 53.266434 -0.655652
LN1 2QD 60 23 53.266854 -0.654604
LN1 2QE 19 1 53.268639 -0.651894
LN1 2QF 26 0 53.267832 -0.655998
LN1 2QG 13 0 53.269175 -0.655536
LN1 2QH 9 0 53.270488 -0.657159
LN1 2QJ 24 1 53.269469 -0.657731
LN1 2QL 21 0 53.268642 -0.658552
LN1 2QN 38 0 53.270772 -0.657675
LN1 2QP 44 13 53.269545 -0.661297
LN1 2QQ 17 0 53.27145 -0.656409
LN1 2QR 4 0 53.267186 -0.655358
LN1 2QS 9 0 53.276448 -0.665971
LN1 2QT 4 0 53.266425 -0.657182
LN1 2QW 53 0 53.268973 -0.660745
LN1 2QY 8 0 53.266475 -0.651257
LN1 2QZ 9 0 53.268 -0.652589
LN1 2RB 4 1 53.257712 -0.557734