all postcodes in LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District

LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN1 2RD 60 4 53.259786 -0.563887
LN1 2RE 4 0 53.256478 -0.579257
LN1 2RF 12 0 53.261265 -0.559428
LN1 2RG 11 3 53.262464 -0.559643
LN1 2RH 8 0 53.275728 -0.57349
LN1 2RJ 3 0 53.274415 -0.574958
LN1 2RL 12 0 53.276369 -0.576003
LN1 2RN 13 0 53.277984 -0.575739
LN1 2RP 9 2 53.287182 -0.573603
LN1 2RQ 1 0 53.271366 -0.562118
LN1 2RR 14 0 53.287281 -0.582661
LN1 2RS 19 0 53.287946 -0.583374
LN1 2RT 1 0 53.286222 -0.605708
LN1 2RU 5 0 53.287101 -0.587932
LN1 2RW 9 1 53.276505 -0.567045
LN1 2RX 26 0 53.276787 -0.664926
LN1 2SB 17 0 53.279881 -0.731843
LN1 2SD 38 2 53.301592 -0.572495
LN1 2SE 28 0 53.302951 -0.578225
LN1 2SF 2 1 53.303874 -0.582248