all postcodes in LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Area

LN / Lincoln

Postcode District

LN / Lincoln

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
LN1 3NT 26 0 53.250659 -0.550627
LN1 3NU 4 0 53.251254 -0.549694
LN1 3NX 24 0 53.251363 -0.548251
LN1 3PA 23 3 53.251973 -0.545952
LN1 3PB 6 0 53.251624 -0.544943
LN1 3PD 25 0 53.251044 -0.54826
LN1 3PE 6 0 53.250318 -0.549949
LN1 3PF 46 0 53.249806 -0.549217
LN1 3PG 42 0 53.249806 -0.549217
LN1 3PH 19 0 53.250736 -0.54881
LN1 3PJ 14 0 53.250451 -0.547561
LN1 3PL 3 0 53.251109 -0.546969
LN1 3PN 4 0 53.250692 -0.546728
LN1 3PP 2 0 53.246146 -0.542852
LN1 3PQ 4 0 53.250362 -0.549123
LN1 3PS 28 0 53.246798 -0.543608
LN1 3PT 10 0 53.246545 -0.542434
LN1 3PU 10 0 53.246332 -0.543416
LN1 3PX 28 0 53.245758 -0.543119
LN1 3PY 1 1 53.245968 -0.549693